An opportunity for new activities and adventures for some, a cozy nizzy for others, our hotels are places where sharing and exchange are the watchwords. With their surprising design and warm, offbeat atmosphere, Kopster Hotels embody a unique experience, where every detail is designed to captivate the mind and stimulate the senses.
Seduced by the project and its prospects, Eric Boyer, interior designer at Atelier 55, imagined a decor guided by a "home-like" state of mind, with memory as the keystone. The concept? Everyone should be able to recall a memory and feel at home at the Kopster! And to do this, guests need to find elements of everyday life in the hotel. A world where every antique tells a story and every piece of furniture whispers a memory.
A master of contrasts, Eric Boyer combines raw materials like concrete, steel and wood with refined materials like velvet, adding a touch of softness, or warm colors that play the soothing card. There's no doubt about it: at the Kopster, you'll find the secret to comfort "just like home"!
To create an inspiring and unique atmosphere, the Kopsters unveil a lively universe with ethnic influences, where nature becomes the artist and tropical madness reigns supreme: animal and floral motifs in the bedrooms, plants in the halls and exotic wood on every floor. WelKome Home!